The importance of making the right decisions is often overlooked and the impact of doing the right thing is often bigger than doing things the right way.

Situational awareness case studies.

  • How a client saved 50% of the development budget through better choices

    Our client, a large packaging company, has a diverse portfolio of exploratory projects where innovation that can drive major future business results are explored. In one of these projects, a major commitment had been made to explore a new business model based on robotics and the promise of cheaper, simpler, and easier implementation of automation. through bold decisions, it was possible to cut 50% of the budget for the project while still allowing it to deliver the same identified customer value.

  • Showing the route to 30% faster time to market for a major industrial company

    While the business is doing well, the personnel in parts of the project delivery functions were completely overloaded. This caused major issues with the project delivery in the organization that was much slower than desired. Analysis showed a way to reduce the time from start to finish of projects by 30%. Recommendations were also developed for a much more disciplined pipeline management.

  • More cases.

    Read cases on how we have helped clients navigate uncertainty